About me

Amanda Kuhnert

I’m a content marketer and copywriter. That’s how I explain what I do for a living. But what I really am, when you boil it down, is a writer. I have been a writer my entire life. Writing is how I make sense of the world and figure things out.

When I launched Our Merry Way in 2015, I had young kids, a dog, two cats, and a house under my surveillance. I felt, at the time, like my life was a blur of mindless activity. I was going through the motions, getting it all done, but not really paying attention to the details.

I hoped to pinpoint daily habits and ways of thinking that either enhanced, or inhibited, my ability to be truly present in my life. To get the most out of my life experience.

Fast forward to 2024

Nearly a decade later, my life looks quite different. Our home is quickly becoming what everyone calls “the empty nest.” The cats are still kicking, thank heavens. But the kids have grown up and we lost our sweet dog in the fall.

I’ve made a lot of progress over the past decade. I’ve got a few more tools to pull out when I catch myself slipping back into the haze. But it’s constant work. I can’t let myself become complacent. And that’s why I keep writing.

What I’ve learned along the way…

  • We can't take for granted the impact of our everyday choices. The smallest changes in our behaviors and attitudes can completely change our life experience. So it's worth stirring things up.

  • If we want to live a rich, meaningful life, we have to be willing to dig down, ask questions, and go against the flow. And we have to always be on the lookout for what our society so often overlooks: the good and the possible.

  • Our world today is designed for "skimming." For skirting along the surface, covering a lot of ground, but not really diving in and experiencing our everyday moments. In other words, we're a culture focused more on breadth than depth.

  • To live deeply and intentionally, we have to somehow get out of the flow of traffic. We have to find our own path, a new "way of being" that makes true peace, joy, and contentment possible.

To me, this is what it means to travel along Our Merry Way. To live deeply and experience more ... of whatever life has to offer in the moment.

I'm still trying to figure out how to make that happen. No silver bullet here. But I promise the conversation will be interesting.

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